Saturday, April 25, 2009

Dogwood, Iris, 'Nearly Wild' Rose

Dogwood 'Cherokee' Iris 'Dover Beach' Rose 'Nearly Wild'

Iris and Roses

'Pink Knock Out' Rose, 'Knock Out' and Iris. The Iris were in a little clump in the side of the yard when we bought the house. I dug up and divided them into different spots in with the roses.

Repairing the Chimenea

Pergola fell on the chimenea due to the snow overload. We will see if the J B Weld will work.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Lily of the Valley

Their fragrance is just like the perfume 'Muguet Des Bois'.

Wascally Wabbit

No sooner did I get the broccoli in the ground, next morning they were gone -- cute little rabbit's breakfast.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Fresh Thrown Pottery

I guess I'll add some pottery photos. Threw these pots this week. Will Bisque fire then glaze and fire again.

Matt Dillon

The other Matt Dillon. Got to change it up from garden shots.

Garden and Pots

Terra Cotta pots are good insulators from 7 inches of snow. Kept the artichokes.

Potatoes good after the snow.