Finally, five years of nurturing fruit trees and keeping them alive through heat waves, this year we get plums, lots of plums. They don't keep long, so I made jam! By choice, these babies have not had any chemicals sprayed, so they are not perfect and that's fine with me! Just like Joni Mitchel said in her song.... "give me spots on my apples, but give me the birds and the bees". These are Bruce plums, really tart.
Plum Jam Recipe:
6 cups chopped pitted plums
6 cups sugar
1 box sure jell
Wash pint size mason jars and lids in dishwasher sterlize (heat) mode.
Measure 6 cups chopped and pitted plums into 6-8 quart pan (heavy bottom stainless - non aluminum). Add 6 cups sugar and box of sure jell. Bring to rolling boil over high heat, stirring continually. Boil 1 minute, simmer for 5 minutes while continuing to stir. Remove from heat. Skim off foam. Fill sterilized pint size mason jars to 1/8 inch of tops. Wipe rims, cover tightly. Boil jars 5 minutes in large pan (tops covered with the boiling water). Remove and cool -- the tops will pop in after a few mintues.